The Sheridan Road Scholars Program


The Sheridan Road Charitable Foundation proudly sponsors Sheridan Road Scholars. This is a scholarship program designed to help students and young adults continue their financial literacy and wellness journey.

Individuals who want to develop their financial literacy, knowledge and wellness, as well as educators who want to enhance their courses, bring financial wellness presentations / assemblies to their school, or achieve professional development around financial literacy that they can then bring back to their classrooms are ideal candidates.

Applicants can either self-apply or be nominated. Emphasis is placed on those who:

  • believe financial empowerment plays an important role in life
  • think financial literacy should be a core life skill
  • want to enhance their personal or their students' overall financial wellness
  • understand that achieving financial freedom should be a goal more people strive to achieve

If you can relate to these attributes, you should consider applying for or nominating someone who is a high school senior, an undergraduate, graduate student, or young working adult, to apply to become a Sheridan Road Scholar. Educators are also encouraged to apply to bring financial literacy programs, coursework or presentations to their students.

The Sheridan Road Scholars Program actively promotes financial empowerment in communities to help better individual lives and our society as a whole. Improved financial literacy contributes to better life outcomes. We believe the fundamental tenets of budgeting, planning, and saving are paramount to improving not only financial wellness, but also physical wellness and a human’s overall emotional well-being.

The statistics are alarming in this country. Over 40% of Americans do not have any savings whatsoever, and 80% of us are ill-prepared for any sort of emergency. There are few programs in place to educate older students and young adults on the basics of financial literacy before those same people enter the workforce. We also know that our financial wellness journey is an ongoing education, recalibration and understanding of the changing dynamics in our lives. We all have major life occurrences and goals, whether they be entering the workforce, buying a home, starting a family, caring for a loved one or retiring. All these instances require similar understanding and planning.

The Sheridan Road Scholar is an individual who is interested in furthering their education either through an advanced degree, a certification, designation, or coursework, or an educator with the desire to improve financial literacy for their students. There are no parameters on the size of the request, although we typically provide $1,000 - $10,000 grants to each Scholar.

Sheridan Road accepts applications on a rolling basis and recognizes its Sheridan Road Scholar recipients each year during its annual retreat.

FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

  • High school, college, trade school or graduate school students.
  • Young working adults looking to improve their financial literacy skills.
  • Educators who want to bring financial literacy programs to their students.